Thursday, July 14, 2011

death, a theme

There seems to be a tendency where an idea, an occurrence, an event, a theme, is unleashed. Yesterday's theme, undoubtedly, is death. Naturally, when you're having a discussion on a particular topic, your discussants will only add to this topic with their own examples and experiences. But it's odd when the conversation continues even when you speak to a different group that same day without having initiated the topic, as it's probably on one's mind. At the same time, death isn't an odd subject to bring up when one is mourning. However, yesterday, death seemed to be an event. After these conversations had subsided we heard news of a few deaths, none related and all due to a diverse set of sad causes. Further, these deaths had a similar origin, that being human stupidity because all of these deaths were untimely and were due to avoidable factors. death's inevitability shouldn't stop us from enjoying this life.

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